
Digital pharmaceutical benefits for the Earth

How much pollution is reduced by using digital electronic drugs? 

How significant will it be for global warming? 

How much concentration of carbon dioxide will be diminished? 

How many human and material resources can be reduced?

Do you love your children? 

Are you working day and night to create the best possible living environment for them?

Now it is 2020. Some scientists predict that there will be no fish alive for the human race to eat by 2040. It does not only mean the lack of edible fish, it also means that there will be no survivable environment for fish to live in. Then, what about your children at that time?

 What about their children?

The pollution problems of the pharmaceutical industry have been neglected and ignored for a long time. A complete pharmaceutical supply chain, from planting to delivery to patients, accounts for at least 20% of global pollution.

What follows are all the steps needed to bring the medicine to the market place: Deforestation, land reclamation, farming, irrigation, fertilization, pesticides, herbicides, harvesting, filtrating, pharmaceutical, extraction, compound, machine, device, electricity, fuel, package, transport to the retail store, obsolete and damaged products need to be scrapped and the damage caused by non-recyclable products. Plus, the inconvenience of arranging for family or friends to care for family members while patients are transported (more pollution) to and from medical facilities.
Real substance medicines and devices need to be constantly manufactured; whereas, electronic medicine requires only one app, a little electricity, and your own cellphone or computer.