

胃藥有致癌危機,含ranitidine( 雷尼替丁 ) 成分的胃藥放越久,致癌物越多。食藥署正式宣布36款含ranitidine( 雷尼替丁 )的胃藥從81日起全面禁用。詳細的訊息大家可以上網查詢。

ranitidine( 雷尼替丁 ) 成分的胃藥主要用於胃灼熱胃酸引起的消化不良胃酸過多十二指腸潰瘍等。國內含該成分的藥品許可證共36張,其中29張為處方用藥,7張為指示用藥,一年用量超過8000萬顆。

1.           消化性潰瘍致腹脹胃食道逆流,胃酸過多,腹脹:潰瘍方
Peptic ulcer caused abdominal distension ,GERD , hyperacidity , abdominal distension : Kuiyangfang
2.           胸悶,煩躁,胃食道逆流,胃酸過多,腹脹 : 大柴胡湯
Chest tightness, irritability, GERD , hyperacidity and abdominal distension : Dachaihutang
3.           胃食道逆流,胃酸過多,腹脹,腹痛,腹瀉味臭 : 腹痛方+半夏+茯苓
GERD, hyperacidity , abdominal distension and pain, diarrhea with stinky odor : Futongfang+Banxia+Fuling

Relax Manager 開發的專案有二:

我的建議是選擇適合的方案,先用一星期,如果不對症,換另一個方案; 如果對症,至少持續30天,好好修補,30天後,如果還沒完全好,但是已經改善許多,就再持續30天。
我曾經有過每晚因胃痛醒的經驗,那種痛會穿透至後背,走路都無法挺胸,平均一個月會有7 天發作,當時適合我的是潰瘍方,我用剛開發成功的第三代認真跑了二個月,這6,7年來都沒有在夜晚痛醒,犯胃痛的頻率一年只有23次,設定專案後很快就緩解了。認真對待你的胃,她會伺候你一輩子。



今天早上起床後,覺得眼睛痛,模糊,沒多久身體開始無處不痛,感覺是肌肉痛,骨頭也痛,20多分鐘後,感覺肋骨痛到導致呼吸困難。因為聽到兒子說他一早起床覺得喉嚨會痛,我沒多想,立即幫自己設定PWHP5分鐘後開始緩解,20分鐘後症狀約程度 3。我猜測今日可能還會有一些起伏,但是只要持續跑,就能恢復正常。




年輕時,假勇,不懂得保護身體,在過去,我有三次吐血的經驗,十多年前的那次,是在課堂上,我正在教學生,那次是大吐血,整包抽取式衛生紙都不夠用,數年前的一次健康檢查,醫護人員告訴我,你知道你有心室肥大和支氣管擴張的問題嗎? 我回答說:我知道啊!我很年輕時就有了MTS/LSF研發成功後,我時常用它們來修復我的身體。由於這次的新冠肺炎主要是攻擊肺部,我是屬於有痼疾的高風險群,加上我們有診所,顏醫師會接觸病患,因此我天天早晚各跑8小時。






數位電子製藥的技術可以解決全球疫苗和藥物短缺的災難 Digital electronic pharmaceutical technology can solve the current disaster of the global lack of a vaccine and drug shortages

Governments around the world are seeking scientific research and technology to combat Covid-19. Among them, in order to reduce the risk of virus transmission, some experts hope to accelerate the development of voice control systems to replace or reduce manual operation equipment to clean and disinfect the surfaces.

例如:居家中的聲控系統可以避免觸摸設備表面以控制智能手機,電視,照明,門和空調系統 或是開發聲控機器人,該機器人可以安全地接替醫生或護士的許多任務。這次的疫情顯然已經讓多數人覺醒並且去思考如何讓醫護人員向需要幫助的人們提供服務而又不會使自己陷入危險之中。
For example, the voice control system at home can avoid touching the surface of the device to control smartphones, TVs, lighting, doors, and air conditioning systems; or develop a voice control robot that can safely take over many tasks of doctors or nurses. This epidemic has clearly awakened most people and has hastened them to consider how to allow medical staff to provide services to people who need help without putting themselves in danger.
In order to reduce the spread of the pandemic, many enterprises and companies announced measures to work at home, as long as workers can use computers or mobile phones to perform business tasks. Medical institutions also opened the online consultation hotline and then sent the prescription directly to the pharmacy, and the patients went to the pharmacies near their home to get the medicine.
Medical consultations online were not allowed in the past. With the severity of the epidemic, however, this approach is considered to be a safety measure to avoid hospital infections.
如果有一種科技是 醫生遠端看診後,開立處方簽,處方簽裡每一種藥都是數位電子藥,病人直接下載數位電子藥,然後使用自己的手機或電腦來執行治病的工作。病人不需要去藥局,只需待在家裡。
There is a kind of technology: After the doctor diagnoses patients remotely, a prescription is issued. However, each medicine is a digital electronic medicine. The patient downloads the digital electronic drugs directly and then uses his mobile phone or computer to perform the treatment work. The patient does not need to go to the pharmacy, just stay at home.

The technology also can be used on patients who are infected and need to be quarantined. Medical staffs just choose correct digital drugs using cell phones or computers to perform Tele-resonance treatment tasks. 
As for some patients with mild symptoms or asymptomatic under home isolation, they can also use digital electronic medicine to avoid suddenly becoming a serious illness. .
I named this technology the space-time power grid theory-molecular transcription resonance system, that is, the technology of Tele-transmission of digital drugs that the Baichao research team successfully developed in 2012.

When the COVID-19 epidemic broke out, as the global number of daily confirmed cases and deaths increased, my research team immediately used the information collected from across the world at the end of January to develop a drug combination dedicated to LSF / MTS for the COVID-19, and at the same time advised our members to use it. In February, two sets of digital electronic drugs were developed to provide free service for global downloads. One is RM-PWHP (Protect & Win Health Protection), and the other we have referenced China’s combination named Qingfei Detox Decoction, hoping to assist people around the world who have not yet been taken care of by medical resources.
We also have produced guideline videos, and we hope that everyone can share this message, and we urge those who already use it correctly to guide relatives and friends who have not yet tried it.
但是,我們得到的訊息卻不令人振奮,因為此系統才在微信平台公開兩天,就被不瞭解尖端數位製藥技術的人士檢舉而被迫下架,即使國外會員利用Facebook平台發送訊息,亦遭到語言攻擊或是被誤認為網路謠言,錯失了可以解救更多人類性命的契機。數以百萬計的民眾花大筆鈔票去購買誆稱有效的防疫設備和藥品,卻不願意花三分鐘看完影片學習如何使用免費而且真正有助益的數位電子藥 ! 即使後來台灣的口罩已經量產到可以捐贈給醫療物資不足的國家,但世界各國的研究團隊仍然未找到消滅病毒的有效方法,除了實施社會群體隔離以等待疫苗出現。
However, the response we got was poor, because this system was only published on the WeChat platform for two days, and it was reported by someone who did not know the cutting-edge digital pharmaceutical technology and they withdrew it. Even our foreign members who used the Facebook platform to send messages was also attacked by unfriendly language or mistakenly regarded as an online rumor therefore missing the opportunity to save more human lives. Millions of people have spent large sums of money to buy what some believe is legendary effective anti-epidemic equipment and medicines, but are reluctant to spend three minutes watching the video to learn how to use free and truly helpful digital electronic medicine! Now, although the masks of Taiwan have been mass-produced and donated due to a
lack of medical supplies, research teams around the world still have not found an effective way to eliminate the virus, except for implementing social group isolation to wait for the vaccine to be developed.
The Baichao team has placed the two kinds of digital electronic medicines, RM-PWHP and Qingfei Detox Decoction, on Hu Youning's blog and provides them to those in need for free forever. Although countries around the world have published information about mutations and the increasing different symptoms, we believe that putting the body in an electric field that the virus does not like in advance is the best protection before the vaccine is available.
https://hubaichao.wordpress.com/2020/03/19/如何讓你的身體處於病毒不適應的電場How to put your body in an electric field where viruses are not adapted
Although the first wave of outbreaks in some countries has slowed down, however, as the economy reopened, some of these countries again faced the second wave of attacks. Anti-epidemic experts said that unless a vaccine appears, there will be a second wave, and a third wave will follow. Also, even if the COVID-19 vaccine has been successfully developed, at least in the next few years, it will still be in short supply. To establish group immunization and slow the spread of the epidemic there are 5.6 billion people of the world that may need vaccinations, that is about 70% of the world. But nationalism and unequal wealth may hinder the end of the global pandemic. Some public health experts worry that because pharmaceutical companies are profit-oriented and may only sell vaccines to the countries which can afford the highest prices; in this case, the rich countries can buy unlimited supply of vaccines, and the countries where the manufacturers are located will only provide vaccines to their citizens after the pandemic is under control.
This actually happened in 2009 when the Obama administration and many rich countries led the development of the H1N1 vaccine, but many undeveloped countries only received a little vaccine after the outbreak was near the end. According to the CDC data, more than 80 million Americans were vaccinated H1N1 in 2009, which is about equal to the total number of vaccines received in 77 countries around the world.
The world is connected. Unless each country continues to block borders, or we must be committed to sharing the medical resources to the global citizens, otherwise we cannot end the pandemic, because outbreaks in any one area will become the outbreaks in the entire world.
In addition, if COVID-19 attacks again this autumn, the number of hospitalizations may reach its peak again. The medical system for the treatment of colds, respiratory diseases, and including patients who need to be hospitalized for other kinds of illness will be overwhelming.
『先自救才能救人』,新冠肺炎疫情肆虐全球之際,這句話儼然成為真理!當韓國施行全面普篩時,台灣民眾和專家也響起要求全面普篩的聲浪,當時,除了量能不足是一大考量外,如果全面普篩必需花費650億元台幣。一個2300萬人的島嶼國家就需要花費如此龐大的篩檢費用,那麼需要供應全球人口數至少60-70%的新冠肺炎疫苗需要花費多少呢 當疫苗尚未研發成功或普及前治療被新冠肺炎感染的病人所需耗費的藥物和醫療資源以及全球一起陪葬的社會經濟成本又必需花費多少呢 因為動輒千億,即使有錢也買不到,人道必須在行有餘力後才能為之。有效的藥物和疫苗也是如此。
"Save ourselves first, then we can save people", this sentence has become the truth when the COVID-19 pandemic rages across the world! While South Korea implemented full-scale testing, some Taiwanese and some experts also sounded the demand for full-scale testing. At that time, in addition to insufficient medical resources capacity being a major consideration, if full-scale testing was required, it would cost NT$ 65 billion. A 23 million population island country needs to spend such huge testing costs, so how much does it cost to supply the COVID-19 vaccine to at least 60-70% of the global population? How much medicine and medical resources do the patients need and the economic costs of the society will be buried together? Humanity can help only after resources are enough. Sharing effective drugs and vaccines is the same situation.
當我呼籲使用數位電子藥製作技術時,有些人笑說 別傻了 你以為會有生技公司辛苦花大錢研發疫苗和藥物,然後再製作成電子藥提供全球下載使用嗎 ?
When I called on drug manufacturing companies to use digital electronic methods to develop vaccines and drugs, some people laughed and said:” Don't be stupid! Why do you think those biotech companies will work hard to develop vaccines and drugs, and then make them into electronic medicines for global download and use?”
Why not? I have already presented my technology to the world. As long as countries, the business community, academia, and the pharmaceutical industry are willing to cooperate in research, the results will not only benefit the COVID-19 storm, but will continue to help solve the current various human diseases, infectious diseases, and new diseases or viruses that may arise in the future.
The ultimate goal of medical treatment is to be able to heal patients. I don't think that all of the patients must go to the hospital, and medical staff must work in the hospital. Constantly innovating technology can make it easier for remote treatment and tracking the patients. Using molecular transcription and resonance system-digital electronic medicine technology is like having a mobile pharmacy and hospital at people’s fingertips, regardless of location.




  許多人懷疑上述差異的重要性,認為: 只需要到醫院檢查,看檢查後的報告,就能知道得了甚麼病,然後,吃藥和復健就能康復。如果,真的如同大家所想,就不會有一堆人開刀復健了。


何不試試用數位電子製藥技術開發和量產疫苗和藥物 Why not try to use digital electronic pharmaceutical technology to develop and mass produce vaccines and drugs

According to reported that doctors and research teams around the world are trying to use a method that was used during the 1918 flu pandemic to treat and prevent COVID-19.
During the infection, the body begins to produce antibodies designed to attack bacteria that invade the body. These antibodies stay in the plasma of survivors for months or years.
This is not a cure, but a way to reduce the severity of the disease. Researchers also don't know how long the survivors' antibodies will remain in the plasma. However, scientists can use this temporary treatment when looking for vaccines or new medicines. The blood from former patients is filled with immune molecules that can help survivors defeat COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. This means giving blood plasma from recovered patients to sick ones.
Chinese doctors reported that five people treated with plasma from former patients all began to improve a week later. But they also received other treatments, so there is no way to know if the plasma by itself caused the improvements.
Researchers at the National Institute of Health are measuring survivors’ antibody levels to learn how strong a vaccine must be. Other scientists, including some at Beijing’s Tsinghua University, are trying to find out which antibodies are the strongest. They hope to copy those antibodies in a lab and create a drug treatment.
Many rehabilitated patients worldwide have agreed to donate blood to local hospitals or research institutions.
It takes a long time from confirmation to mass production. At present, there are no established solution programs in the world that are feasible. Why not try to adopt the method of digital pharmaceuticals? This technology is inexpensive. It only needs to confirm that the antibodies are effective. It can be made into digital electronic medicine and only needs a very small amount of grams of antibodies. It can be transmitted to all patients and there is no distance limit. The daily amount of drugs depends on time and carrier quantity. The digital electronic vaccine can be used globally, and when the virus strain is mutated, new vaccines and therapeutic drugs can also be developed in a short period of time.
不要排斥新的科技防疫技術! 從過去至今,許多研究都曾經跌破無數專家的眼鏡,更何況利用數位製藥遠距傳輸的技術來開發疫苗。屆時,醫護人員完全不需要靠近病人就能為他們傳送疫苗,為何不試試?
Don't exclude the new technology! From the past to the present time, many studies have broken the glasses of countless experts, not to mention the use of digital pharmaceutical long-distance transmission technology to develop vaccines. If successful, at that time, medical staff can deliver vaccines for patients without having to be close to them. Why not try?






與其花12-18個月等待疫苗出世,不如花10-20分鐘弄懂PWHP 清肺排毒湯 兩組數位電子藥的操作方法,並且天天執行!
當你們使用PWHP 清肺排毒湯時,如同你的身體頻率是處於近似於PWHP 清肺排毒湯的頻率,如果中國在這次抗疫期間成功的使用了清肺排毒湯救治了感染COVID-19的病人,就表示病毒不適應清肺排毒湯的頻率。因此,當執行以清肺排毒湯的組成所製成的數位電子藥時,就是讓你的身體維持在病毒不喜歡的電場中。

點選下面的網址,大家可以觀看免註冊,免費的PWHP 清肺排毒湯 操作指引

1.      pwhp(Protect & Win Health Protection),這是本公司開發的藥林寶典百潮方藥庫的電子藥,依據covid-19的症狀製作。

2.      清肺排毒湯。這是參考中國國家衛生健康委員會辦公廳和中國國家中醫藥管理局辦公室-科技司、醫政司的推薦用方製作而成。