Q: XX意識理解能力恢復,腦溢血造成的脖子腫有消,但腫瘤仍有壓迫,目前最主要的不舒服是喉嚨,不太順利,無法唾入。
A: 消瘰方,經絡胃經,大腸経,另外加乳腺炎方。
Q: 吞東西會痛,喉嚨 ?
A: 沒錯。乳腺炎方只是名稱,一個方可以治療很多疾病,是不是要將所有疾病名都列出來命名,那麼長的藥名要寫很久。
Q: 老師,新加坡傳來的,跟眼睛有關係,頭痛到想吐
would like to seek your advise and quidance
on the followings:
1.How to apply for issues somehow like lazy
eye(left) where its viewing dose not sync together with its Right Eye and with
its right images uses most often.
2.Occassional Migraine with flickering
sawtool images and temp blinkness of left viewing then headaches of left
viewing then headaches follow by vomitting. Rest for a day and back to noemal.
hope to receive your advise soon. thanks.
I am also English educated.
yes for the eye it was a couple of years
and doctor does not find any major problem other than any major problem other
than recommending wearing the Prism spectacle len for the left eye that may
help in the syncing vision. But I am out of this as it doesnt looks
for many years and triggers occasionally.
it will recover after the complete cycle as described with a day rest. Doctor
will usually prescribe Cafegot and some painkiller pills.
A: 生理期頭痛方加降眼壓方。
Q: 老師,他是男生頭痛 ?
A: 生理期頭痛方又不是只跑女生。
Q: 大家都覺得只有女生才有生理期。哈哈
◎ 生理期頭痛方
適應症: 生理期頭痛,各種情緒壓力型頭痛,噁心欲吐,瘡瘍腫毒的消腫止痛等。
適應症: 大家熟知的消炎去瘀方和抽筋方的適應症乳腺炎方也可以用,而此方比較偏向瘡瘍腫毒的消腫止痛,腫瘤,淋巴炎。
標靶軟體: 乳腺炎方
,膀胱經左右,膽經左,大腸經左,小腸經左,三焦經左,胃經左,脾經左,腎經左。 因經絡超過8條,各經絡視症狀的改善採取輪流跑法。